Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Assignment 1 Identify the Client and Identify the Problem

Assignment 1 Identify the Client and Identify the Problem

Q Step two is to identify a problem or issue that is impacting performance in the organization. With your knowledge of the client you have identified and the learning you have acquired to this point, identify a management problem you will investigate and for which you will provide recommended solutions. If you are working with a supervisor or manager, you may want to consult with them to complete this step. Read the material at the sites listed in the Week 1 Lessons folder (look for the Lessons tab on the l.h. side in this classroom) to help guide you in identifying a management problem in your work environment. Complete a 2-4 page paper discussing the client and the management problem you will explore during this course. This course is designed to provide hands-on experience that utilizes the learning from previous courses. With your knowledge of the client you have identified and the learning you have acquired to this point, identify a management problem you will investigate and for which you will provide recommended solutions. If you are working with a supervisor or manager, you may want to consult with them to complete this step. Some questions you can explore to help you are: • What are the goals of the company/division/work group? • In considering the goals, where does progress halt? • Is there data to substantiate this or is it a perception of the manager? • Who is involved…the manager, the employees, stakeholders? • How long has this problem existed? • What and how are expectations and requirements communicated? • When expectations or key deadlines are missed, what happens? • What factors contribute to the problem (politics, structure, decision-making factors)?j • Are technical skills or training contributing to the problem? • Are there ethical issues relating to the problem? • If so, how have those issues been handled to date? These questions do not all need to be answered nor is this list all inclusive; they are provided to help you get started and inspire your own questions to explore while completing this assignment.

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In the organization the issue that is impacting the performance in the organization is resistance to change. Change management can be considered as very important for today’s organization as it is helpful to understand the current business scenario of a particular marketplace. Therefore, resist to change will initiate a serious problem as the higher management will fail to incorporate important thing within the corporation.